Lunch Break Learnin’

It seems like I learn something every time I’m on the road.

This week’s lesson has been to take time to slow down.

I can feel the candle burning at both ends, just a little bit.  I’m tired.  It takes a lot out of me to do all of this travel.  While I love it, it just leaves me a kind of tired I can’t begin to define.  There’s never enough time to sleep, there’s either too much or too little time to eat, and it’s a constant battle to stay upright and functional when you are this tired.  But I’m making it with a smile.

I’ve met a ton of students this week.  More than I remember meeting during private visits in the past.  I’ve also enjoyed being “back home” and hanging out with my family when the day is done.  Today I’m going to Aunt Beth’s house to see the boys for the last time before I leave.  I have missed them, so I’m looking forward to connecting with them and hanging out.

I’m also looking forward to being back in Staunton for a minute, anyway.  I have missed my house and my guinea pigs.  It would be good to sit and relax for a minute.  To sleep until 11AM and rest.  Or whatever the day takes me.

For now, I’ll just slow down and enjoy my lunch break learnin’.

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