The Makeover

I’m making over a lot of aspects of my life.

I spent about two and a half hours last weekend at the salon, getting my hair fixed. I’ve spent a few hours revamping this website in a hopes of returning to some ramblings online. I’ve got plants to revamp my living space with some more organization (and hauling some things to a storage unit while I grapple with the you can’t keep everything curse).

The past couple of years I have lost myself… first in my work, then in the pandemic, then in the chaos and personal tragedies of my family’s lives. Then I lost myself further as I built my own little family unit and figured out how to be the mama of the house, without my mama. It’s been hard, but I’m slowly figuring out the balance as I’ve put the pieces of my new puzzle together.

I’ve got myself together, I’ve worked on my hobbies, I’ve figured out how to run the kid to daycare, the dog to doggy daycare, myself to work, eat a few meals, and keep us all alive and reasonably clean. This is a season of life that I wasn’t quite prepared for, but I’ve played the cards I was dealt and have muddled through all right… all things considered.

Well, that’s it for now. That’s the unfocused update. Hopefully the next time I sit down I can churn out something with a little more substance. But for now, this is where I’m at.

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