
I have been dragging here lately. I’m about as tired as one can get and still be functional. I have been working to get things straight, books shelved, and we’ve rearranged the library so I have done a good bit of cleaning throughout that process as well.

I went home the other night and managed to fall asleep in my clothes. I never do that. I woke up, set my alarms, and fell back asleep. I, along with the doggie, probably slept about ten hours that night.

They are calling for snow tomorrow. In a way it might would be nice, but in a way it wouldn’t. I feel that every day I am not in the building is another day that I am going to have to play “catch up” later. There’s simply not enough hours in the day. I think some people have caught up on how tired I look, because I imagine my face has shown it. The kids haven’t though. We have been as busy as ever.

I knew one of my new year’s goals was to write more, but that has basically flown out the window since getting Charlie. We have been so busy together, getting this and that done. Mostly walks.

It’s getting to the point in the evening where I need to drag myself away from school and head back towards home… here’s to seeing if I can get anything done this evening.

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