A Rainy Day at the Beach

Tried to capture the rain with the Canon 80D. I was standing on the screened end porch with the door open.

Today it has rained and rained.  We made it to the beach for a couple of hours, but I was cold so we made our way back after not too long.  After spending some time watching television, we ended up doing some shopping.  I picked up some yarn and driftwood needles, which I am excited about.  I also managed to get a few other things that I’m excited about, like I finally went somewhere where there was a jewelry cleaning cloth. I have been in need of one for the stuff that I just can’t dunk in jewelry cleaner because of the stones, so I’m glad to have finally found one.

Blackberries. Canon 80D.

We did stop at a local place where I bought a big, expensive container of blackberries.  They are huge and so black–the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice has proven true with the handful I have eaten so far.

For lunch, we just hung out at home and managed to eat frozen pizza for lunch, which was good.  Supper was crab legs from Dirty Dicks, which were delicious.  We all got the specialty cocktail, which was Shark Week themed.

Drink @ Dirty Dicks in Avon, shot with the iPhone 7+. Pretty, but not as good as I would hope–but that is coming from someone who infrequently drinks.

All in all, today has been good.


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