
I have spent a lot of time refocusing myself.  Eyes have been on the prize.  It’s been a busy whirlwind lately, but I have constantly found signs that I am right where I need to be.  I’m always finding my lucky number, which is one of my biggest signs that life is a-okay (well, that and avoiding the ominous three black birds).

This week has left me tired.  School started on Wednesday.  I had forgotten how much it takes out of me to be “on” all day.  I’m the most extroverted introvert I know, so I feel like when I go home I just kinda collapse and let things be for the evening.  The day flies by, but the night before just seems daunting when you think of all that you have to do in a school day.  

I do think that elementary school might be my sweet spot.  Teaching high school English wasn’t the worst thing I have ever done in my life, but whew high schoolers can give you a run for your money.  I could never do middle school because middle school is way too angsty for me.  I can’t say I ever thought I’d end up an elementary school librarian, but life has a funny way of working out.  When I was in library school, I thought for sure that I would end up working in a public library in youth services, which would have been okay.  I imagined my focus would be more YA lit, since that’s what I like to read.  I don’t know why elementary school wasn’t in my brain before library school graduation was looming.  I loved working at the YMCA when I did summer camp and school’s out camp, plus I loved my time in the other childcare areas.  I’d even venture to say that working at the Y ranks high in my “favorite jobs” list.

We eased into the water this week.  School started on Wednesday, so I wanted to get my classes on the same page starting on Monday.  I decided go over some basic rules this week and let the kids spend most of their library time exploring activities that I had set out for them.  For the most part, it went well.  I had some classes that were righty chatty.

On Wednesday, when school was over, I found my way onto the sofa after I ate dinner.  I found myself asleep before 7pm and woke up to the clock reading 9:30… Of course, then I couldn’t fall back to sleep when I decided to go to bed “for real”.

I’m looking forward to what next week will bring, but I’m mostly looking forward to resting this weekend and seeing what the week brings.

Overview of library.
A work in progress, but aren’t we all?

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