Putting Together the Pieces

I haven’t written in a while. Things have been a whirlwind. We lost a lovely student which left our school community reeling. Ms. Bryant has joked lately that there have been times that all we have managed to do is show up… and that’s exactly what has been needed. She has said that we could wear our pajamas and no one would care because we were there for our kids. Loving them, reading to them, exploring STEM… that has been enough as we have found our “new normal”. (All jokes aside, our admin would probably have a fit if we showed up in pajamas… no worries, we wouldn’t really.)

I have slept so hard lately. Running solely off adrenaline, then collapsing when the days catch up with me. Even weekends have been busy. Yesterday I managed to find a screw in my tire… then spent the afternoon at school for the carnival. I have been glad to have a Sunday like I needed. Peace, quiet, time to think… I spent some time in the studio this morning playing with yarn, cleaning up, organizing… My crafting has been something that I need to ground me. I also spent some time tidying up my house. Cleaned off the many cups and water bottles off my nightstand. I’ve done some laundry. Haven’t really folded anything, but I have thought about it. That’s a step. In the past couple of weeks the whirlwind has left my house in jus tas much of a whirlwind.

I’ve done a good bit of Netflix watching this weekend. I have watched the first season of The Order. I also recently watched Raising Dion, which was so good. I guess I need to figure out what to watch next.

I haven’t done much reading lately. My brain power hasn’t had much to it… I’ve needed thoughtless activities like Netflix, phone calls, playing with crafts (but only easy projects)…

Here’s to having recharged enough to return to a more regular writing, reading, thinking schedule.

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