Getting to Know My New Instant Pot

I have recently gotten into the world of the Instant Pot.  A cult favorite, there are a ton of Facebook groups devoted to this little magic machine.

If you read my last post, you’ll see that I made rice in the Instant Pot.  If you are anything like my roommate, you won’t be particularly impressed with this function.  She has a rice cooker that cooks rice so obviously we don’t need another contraption that does rice.

I got her hooked though.

I used the Instant Pot to make pulled pork BBQ the other day and god was it good.

My baby today when I was doing hard boiled eggs.
The pork I was in the process of shredding.
I followed the Dr. Pepper Pulled Pork recipe from Adventures of a Nurse.  I can’t believe I had cooked a Boston Butt in under 90 minutes.  What insanity I tell you!
This morning I woke up and used the instant pot to hard boil eggs.  I have never had eggs that easy to peel in my life.  I’m definitely taking this thing home for Christmas, because I will be doing deviled eggs with eggs I hard boil in the Instant Pot simply because something about cooking them in there makes them perfect and so easy to peel.
I give the Instant Pot 2 thumbs up and I can’t wait to try more things with it.  I’ve found a group for the 21 Day Fix from BeachBody and it is full of Instant Pot recipes, so I’m going to try doing some stuff from there soon.  I didn’t get a chance to leave the house yesterday to do a proper grocery haul, so that’s still on my to do list.  I figured I wouldn’t actually get to working out or eating healthy until I got my school work done.
While everything else has been going on, I decided to take down some storage cubes that were rickety and held together with zip ties and replace them with a double hanging rod with shelves.
Ifgnore the pile of connector pieces for the storage cubes by the door
I do wish there is a little more space as my shirts are long enough to touch the bottom rack.

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