Finished Object Roundup

I’ve finished a lot of small things lately, so it couldn’t wait for a Finished Object (FO) Friday.

I’ve been on a crochet kick, so I’ve done some quick crochet hats.  I’ve knit up quite a few small things as well, like a dishrag and a squirrel bib.  I finished the blanket I was knitting for my coworker.

The thing I am most proud of is the blanket, since I am so excited to give that to my coworker.

Tomorrow I hope to do a WIP (Work in Progress) Wednesday post and share some of what I’ve been knitting.

We have a big visit day at work planned for Saturday and it’s calling for snow.  It will be interesting to see what we decide to do if it snows and how that is handled.  It’s got me nervous, since 3-5 inches of snow with families traipsing around campus isn’t the most ideal situation.

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