Celtic Myths

Click the image to view my Celtic Myths on Ravelry to see my project and find the pattern.

I have pulled out the beast yet again.

I have been working hard on this (or hardly working, I should say) project for roughly 2 years.  I’m determined to finish it by Christmas.  My best friend Ashley wanted a shawl to use as a nursing cover for her baby girl and I decided to make this.  It’s beautiful.  However, it has been the biggest pain because the body was boring and the knit-on cable border has been too complex for TV knitting, so I have shoved it on the back of the shelf for quite some time now.  I have since decided that I’d like to have it finished and surprise her for Christmas.  I doubt she’ll read this blog post (Ashley, if you are reading do NOT get your hopes up).  I did the math and it looks like if I do five rows a day every day from now until Christmas I should get it done.  I’ve been trying to push myself and do about 6 or seven rows, just to speed the process along.  It’s hard to work on since I can’t work on it when I am tired because the cabling is just too intense.

We shall see what happens.  Wish me luck!

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