Canon 80D Review [What I Shoot With]

[The photos of the camera & iPhone in this post will be subpar, since I used my work phone–iPhone 6s–to capture a few quick shots of my camera and iPhone 7 Plus.  Scroll down to see the cool ones!]

The best camera is the one in your hand, so the iPhone 7 Plus serves that purpose a lot for me.

Sometimes, however, I have to haul out the big guns. In anticipation of a beach vacation and other fun this summer (that may not happen due to the power outage in Hatteras), I decided to upgrade.  My previous camera was the Canon Rebel t3, which was a great and expensive camera back when I received it as a graduation present in 2011. Now, however, it was time for a change.

I recently became a member of Costco, so when I discovered they sold a camera kit I deliberated for a while before deciding I wanted to upgrade.  It had some things that i didn’t necessarily need like a camera bag.  I also could have kept the two lens I had (same was the ones that came in the kit), BUT then I realized the body is essentially worthless and it would be better to pass it off to my parents than to try to worry with selling it.  If you know me in the “real world”, you will know that I have been blessed and was provided with a lot of technology by my parents when I was a teenager.  In the past year, I have essentially phased all of that out by replacing them all.

Anyway, when I saw this deal at Costco I got twitchy and knew I had to have it.  If you’re interested, here’s a link to what came with the camera if you purchase via Costco.  The camera bag is super nice and I love that it comes with an extra battery, which is something I didn’t have before and could have used.  There’s a memory card in the bundle, BUT it writes at a slow speed so it isn’t high powered enough for my sports photography needs.

I have only had the camera about a month, but HOLY MOLY have things progressed in six years.  One of my favorite features it the touch screen display that allows you go go through the menus and view photos.  I’ve also enjoyed some of the preset modes.  In addition to the standard sports, landscapes, portrait, etc. you have options like kids and food.  I’m not terrible skilled in manual mode, so having these settings is helpful to me.

I’m going to share some random photos that I’ve taken since the big purchase, just so someone stumbling across this will have an idea of the capabilities of the camera (and the lady behind it).

A duck at the duck pond at Gypsy Hill park in Staunton, Virginia.
This camera is AWESOME for capturing nature scenes.  It’s beautiful and the camera really knows how to capture colors.
I was using the 18-55mm lens for this photo, so I had to crop it down so you could see this curious squirrel.  Would have been an awesome picture if I had the other lens on.  What a curious cutie!
Just an interesting nail sticking up from a little fence structure at Gypsy Hill Park in Staunton, Virginia.
Flower photos like this are my current favorites.
Ashley’s Dax, at one of the parks in Waynesboro, Virginia.

Final conclusion: Is it a good camera? Yes! Are there better cameras out there? Of course. But it certainly serves the purpose that I need it for at a price I could afford without selling a kidney. Might seem like a lot of money if you are not in the photography world, but that is a steal for the amount of things that come in the package.

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