Alumni Softball Game 2018

Last weekend was a whirlwind.  On Saturday morning I headed out to Richmond for the state fair.  I had entered a shawl and won a third place ribbon, so I was glad that I got to see that.  I spent the night in Richmond, then got up early and headed to Staunton.  I managed to find time to stop in Waynesboro for lunch at Cookout and then I found myself in one of my favorite places on earth–Michaels.  There’s not one close to me now, so I was happy to indulge myself in a little shopping.  Then it was on to the game.

It was the first time I had been back to Staunton since leaving my admissions job last July, so there were some mixed emotions.  So weird seeing guys everywhere.  Lots of changes, but a lot of them are for the better.  I was very impressed with the changes to the PAC.  It looks awesome and you can tell that they really put some time and money into it.  I just wish it could have happened when we were a single-sex school.  There wasn’t the money for it before, but when you throw men into the mix it’s funny how money appears.  It is what it is, but when you really think about it then it can be frustrating.  Athletics is such a man’s world to begin with.  One of the things that I enjoyed about being at Mary Baldwin was the all women’s environment, especially when it came to athletics.  In high school I remember softball constantly having to fight to use the gym on rainy days.  It seemed as if the boys always got to go whereas we didn’t.  It was so nice to come to college and not have to worry about the guys “getting it better”.  Not the same now.

In a couple of weeks, I’m going to go watch the team scrimmage at Bridgewater.  It’s a bit of a hike, but my weekends are pretty wide open these days.  I am still struggling with what to do on Saturday and Sunday.  I get stir crazy in the house, but I don’t really have a lot of people to go out and explore with.  It’s strange to have so much time to do whatever I want.  When I was in admissions it seemed like I worked an endless amount of Saturdays.  When I wasn’t working, I was drowning in grad school homework.  Now both things are over and I’m left piddling on the weekends.

I did check out four books from the library today that I hope to read this weekend.  Funny how the librarian never has enough time to read.  I’ve also been on a crafting kick, so that’s hard because I can’t read and craft.  I’ve about run out of things to watch on TV, however.  I need to find a new show to have as background noise for my crafting.  

This week at school has been really fun.  My third graders are doing a virtual reality tour with VR headsets.  We are underwater at the Galapagos islands.  Let me tell you–you have not had fun until you have hung out with third graders.  It’s always good to hear, “This is the best library class ever” or “I had so much fun today!  That was so cool!”

I have to say my lesson next week won’t be able to top that, unfortunately.

There’s been a nasty bug going around school.  I’ve managed to stay well, but I’m really hoping I don’t end up with it.  Kids are so gross.  I have been sanitizing and using hand sanitizer (or “handitizer” as one kindergartener told me the other day).  I need to get a plug for the sink in my office so I can mix up some bleach water.  My legos need to take a sanitizing bath before we start playing with them again.

2 responses to “Alumni Softball Game 2018”

  1. Kylie Avatar

    It looks like your team had a great time. Good luck with keeping those germs away 🙂

    1. Amanda Avatar

      Thank you! I need all the luck I can get!

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