
When I woke up this morning, my Apple Watch told me that it was -2 degrees (Fahrenheit) this morning.

It’s cold.  I made it back home from Staunton for my dentist appointment Monday.  Until then, I’m just hanging out.  There wasn’t nearly as much snow in the fields and on the main roads as I thought there would be.

I’m currently worrying myself into a frenzy because I messaged with Vic last night, but eventually she stopped texting me and I haven’t heard from her all day.  I don’t know if she lost her phone or what but I’m starting to get slightly concerned.  The messages say delivered, but not read.  So I know her phone is on somewhere.

I started a book over Christmas vacation, but never finished it.  It was a library book, so the loan expired.  I have mom reading a couple of Mary Higgins Clark & Danielle Steel books on her hand-me-down Kindle.

I need to be brave and venture out to the car to grab my knitting bag, but I just haven’t felt like it.  Dad’s commandeering the television right now, so I can’t knit by the TV and I need the background noise of something when I am knitting.

Classes start back Monday.  I can’t believe I’m in my final semester.  I’m looking forward to finishing and being DONE.  Until then, I’m just relaxing in the peace and quiet of freedom.


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